



Miko is a Shrine Maiden who works for
Kami of Shinto Deities supporting
with Shinto priest
at Japanese Traditional Shrine.






注意事項Notes when making a reservation


  • 当神社では、神社施設やスタッフの空き時間を利用して皆様に巫女体験をして頂いております。
    At our shrine, we invite everyone to experience being a Miko maiden using the shrine facilities and staff's free time.
    Therefore, please understand that We can't take many reservations at any time, and we are often unable to meet your requests.
    Applicants are limited to those who understand the following and meet the conditions.
  • 日本文化や神道の知識と興味がある外国人の方を対象としております。
    It is intended for foreigners who have knowledge and interest in Japanese culture and Shintoism.
  • 尼崎市国際交流協会会員様は随時予約相談可能。
    Amagasaki International Association members can consult with us at any time.
    If you would like to become a member, please call us.06-6411-3859
  • 日本語、または英語での会話ができる方。
    Applicants must converse in Japanese or English
  • 予約の際は必ず、日時、参加人数を記載してください。
    Please enter your desired date and time, number of participants in the application form.
  • 予約なしで神社へ直接来られた場合は、巫女体験を受けることができません。
    If you come directly to the shrine without a reservation, you will not be able to receive this Mko-experience.
  • 基本的にお申し込みは2名以上で、付き添いは1名までです。
    Basically, you can apply for 2 or more people, and you can only accompany 1 person.
  • 当神社は日本の神社庁に属している伝統的な神社です。皆様には巫女体験を通して日本文化を理解していただきたいという目的で実施しています。遊び感覚のイベント、コスプレ、写真撮影を目的としたものではありません。日本の神様への敬意を持ってご参加ください。
    This shrine is a traditional shrine that belongs to the Japan shrine office. The purpose of this event is to help everyone understand Japanese culture through the Miko-experience. It is not intended for playful events, cosplay, or just enjoying photography. Please join us with respect for the KAMI(Deity) of Japan.
  • 巫女体験はお一人様につき1回、1時間、3,000円です。
    The Miko- experience is 3,000 yen per person for 1 hour.
  • 付き添いは2名から500円頂きます。法被は無料でお貸しいたします。
    Non-participants (escorting) will be charged 500 yen from the second person.
    Happi coats(Japanese traditional uniform for Japanese festival) are available free of charge.
  • 所要時間は1時間となっております。遅刻をされると時間が短くなりますのでご注意ください。神社の説明や神社屋内での衣装が省略されますので、時間は守ってください。
    The Miko-experience time is 1 hour. Please note that if you are late, the time will be shortened. Explanations of the shrine and wearing CHIHAYA costumes inside the shrine will be omitted, so please be on time.
  • また1時間以上になりますと延長料金が発生しますのでご了承ください。
    Please note that an extension fee will be charged if it is more than 1 hour.
  • 神社の行事により巫女体験の予約ができない日がございますので予め御確認ください。
    Please check in advance that you may not be able to make a reservation for the Miko- experience due to Season‘s events of the shrine.
    Due to the preparations the staff and costume, please be sure to call or email us at least 2 days before your reservation.
  • 尚、11月から2月まで、ゴールデンウィークは神社多忙期により巫女体験はお休みさせていただきます。
    From November to February, during Golden Week(the end of APRIL to the first week of MAY) ,the Miko-experience will be closed due to the busy shrine season for shrine.
  • 尼崎は観光の街ではないローカルな魅力があります。神社周辺にはたくさんのお寺や商店街がありますので散策やショッピング、お食事など、楽しんでお帰りください。
    Amagasaki has a local charm that is not a tourist town. There are many temples and shopping streets around the shrine, so please enjoy walking, shopping, and eating.